💡 This page shows projects by categories, if they were assigned.
####How can citizens and households of Zurich be encouraged to buy and eat more climate-friendly food (less CO2 emissions) and to reduce food-waste?####
Solutions should focus on the following:
- Making use of existing product information about food so citizens can reduce carbon footprint when shopping
- Avoiding food-waste in the households due to easy to use solutions
Questions about this challenge can be posted in the #FoodForClimate channel
####How can the City of Zurich motivate homeowners and renters to save energy and implement renewable energy solutions in their homes and businesses?####
Solutions should focus on the following:
- Motivating homeowners to change to a climate-friendly heating system
- Convincing homeowners to retrofit their buildings in an energy-efficient way
- Creating new incentives for homeowners and renters to save heating energy and electricity
The priority focus of the solutions should lie in innovative business models and the removal of complexity in switching to climate-friendly sources of energy.
Data for this challenge has been posted in the #RenewableEnergy channel
####How can the individual reduction of greenhouse gases for a defined track be measured and reported and how can citizens be motivated to adapt their behaviour due to that collected information?####
The idea is to track and report the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of a person due to walking, using public transport or bicycle instead of using a motorised vehicle. Solutions should include measures to motivate people to reduce their carbon footprint.
Useful Links:
This tool can be used as inspiration for the solution.
Data for this challenge has been posted in the #TrackToAdapt channel
####In order to address climate change, cities will need to adapt to new climate conditions (especially heat hot spots in urbanised areas). How can the city of Zurich improve the quality of life for its citizens in the heavily constructed outdoor spaces (squares, parking spaces etc.), which are subjected to an increase of heatwaves and rising temperatures in summer due to climate change?####
The idea is to create cost-effective and simple solutions that can be easily moved and removed. Solutions should be able to be implemented without construction and planning measures.
Data for this challenge has been posted in the #UrbanSpaces channel